24/7 Sista Stories

First Show Commissioned by We Manifest Productions in 1998

*Artwork by Joshua A. Humphries

*Artwork by Joshua A. Humphries

24/7 Sista Stories is a musical work woven around the lives of six young womben of color, striving to become successful performing artists in NYC. This was the first performance event produced by We Manifest and debuted at the Nuyorican Poets Cafe on Mother's Day. 

The closing song, Nina Simone's "Four Women" featured each young women in a custom-made dress created and crafted by Danielle "Seedz" Grant. This musical was the catalyst to the D.A.W.T.A.H.Z.  series.

This 2 hour musical was captured on VHS tape in 1998. It has not been digitally upgraded. Looking to reformat the VHS to digital media. Use the contact page to inquire. There are outside cyphers and more included in the footage. Thank you!
